Meme Internet star has earned millions, sold childhood photo as NFT

Meme Internet star has earned millions, sold childhood photo as NFT

The NFT market, or Non-Fungible Token, is the ownership of a work of art. However, these items remain available on the Internet for viewing and downloading by anyone. However, there is only one owner of the image and it cannot be questioned. However, this is nothing new, the NFT market has existed for 4 years. The predecessors of the NFT were CryptoKitties, collector's pictures and at the same time a game in the style of Tamagochi or Pokémon, also linked to the blockchain Ethereum. 

Owners of virtual images make millions thanks to the NFT market. The interesting transaction took place on the NFT market in the form of works of art or pop culture works "printed" in the blockchain. Zoë Roth, whose children's photo at the burning house made her one of the stars of the Internet known as Disaster Girl, sold a digitally signed copy of the original image for 180 ethers, ie less than 500 thousand dollars (10.7 million crowns). 

The buyer is the Dubai music studio 3F Music, which is expanding its collection of memes converted to NFT. The sale does not mean that collages with a four-year-old girl smiling devilishly at a burning house will no longer spread on the Internet. 3F Music took only a digital equivalent of a photo with an autograph. The subject of the transaction is virtual, stored in the Ethereum blockchain. Thanks to this, it is practically impossible to falsify the fact that the owner of the original theme for the Disaster Girl meme is the 3F Music studio. 

Roth is entitled to a 10 percent commission on further NFT sales to Disaster Girl.  The NFT market is now on the rise. However, the current wave of interest in the NFT began to rise sharply a few months ago. The prices of most NFTs are currently considerably exaggerated. This is closely related to the fact that the entire cryptocurrency market is in a growth cycle when even long-forgotten projects are significantly enhanced.